Have Some Fun with Common Grammar Mistakes

If you’ve ever been confused about when to use the words lay vs. lie or break vs. brake, there is a fun little book that uses some cartoons to help you.  The Bugaboo Review, written by high school teacher Sue Sommer, uses cartoons to present “the most commonly misspelled or misused words.  Sommer gives students and the grammar-curious the tools they need, without confusing jargon. Colorful examples and artful mnemonics encourage readers to learn…They’ll master how to pronounce commonly mispronounced words, and the differences between similar words.”

It’s nice to see some easy and fun ways to remember how to speak and spell correctly.  Some specific examples of things that she covered in her book include the correct way to use “I” and “me” as well as how to spell some of the trickiest of commonly used words.  Because the book is in alphabetical order, it is easy to navigate.

The Huffington Post included a sample slide show of what to expect from the book.  The reason Sommer chose the name Bugagoo for her book is “Bugaboo is from the archaic term bogy boo — a term for a hobgoblin or anything that haunts, bothers, bugs, harasses, irks, annoys, or frightens, like the bogeyman.” For those who use this book as a reference, they might find it is a little fun to scare away the bogeyman.

Via HuffingtonPost.com

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