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  • drdianehamilton 8:09 am on May 15, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , , , It's Not You It's Your Personality, , , NACACS, , ,   

    Understanding Personality Improves Communication and Productivity 


    In my recent NACACS presentation, I received a lot of questions about the differences in personalities in the workplace. Some of the participants had gone through Myers-Briggs, DiSC, StrengthsFinder, or some other type of assessment. However, many of them had not had any training regarding personality preferences. There are a variety of personality assessments that can help people learn how to get along at work. Therefore, it may be challenging to determine which assessment to use. I believe that there are some important things to learn from many of these tools. Toni Rothpletz and I wrote It’s Not You It’s Your Personality to summarize the important aspects of each of the major personality assessments and help employees thrive at work.

    Many guests on my Take the Lead Radio Show are experts in different aspects of helping employers improve communication. That is really what these assessments are meant to improve. We need to communicate more effectively; we can do that through improved understanding of each other’s preferences. Whether it is the introvert learning how to get a word in edgewise with an extravert, or a dominant personality learning to listen better, it is all about communicating effectively. In the 1970s, two separate research teams came up with what we now call The Big Five Factors of Personality, based on research that came out in the early 1930s. Societies have endeavored to determine the best ways to communicate. It is a challenge that will continue because there are so many unique personality traits.

    What may help is to develop empathy, which is a big component of emotional intelligence. I studied the importance of empathy on interpersonal relationships as part of my doctoral dissertation. Empathy, mood self-regulation, self-presentation, along with practical intelligence was a big factor related to work success. Employees who demonstrate empathy understand other’s feelings when making decisions that might impact them. Companies that focus on developing these important skills can have more productive and engaged employees. It behooves employers to proactively encourage effective communication, due to the $550 billion a year productivity loss due to unhappy employees. They can begin by helping employees understand personality preferences. People are more accepting of personalities that are different from their own if they understand why people display certain behaviors. Once they understand different personality traits, they can develop empathy and other key emotional intelligence traits to help them be more successful, cooperative, and productive workers.

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  • drdianehamilton 10:20 am on January 6, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Citation creator, , , , ISBN, It's Not You It's Your Personality, MLA Style Manual, , ,   

    Site Makes Citing Easy 

    Citation Machine is a website that helps students learn how to format citations and references. According to the site, “Citation machine helps students and professional researchers to properly credit the information that they use. Its primary goal is to make it so easy for student researchers to cite their information sources.”

    The site also includes a “most cited today” section where it displays some of the most recently cited websites and books.

    A student can simply put in a site and author information and it will give the appropriate example of how to cite that information within their paper in APA or MLA. If the student has the ISBN number, it is even easier.

    The following example shows how entering the ISBN can return APA citation results.  First enter the ISBN.

    Then hit submit.  That will pull up a page that looks something like this.

    Click “Make Citation” and it will create the biographical citation information for the reference page as well as the in-text citation information that will look like this.

    Note that I did not enter the publisher or publishing city information in the prior example.  This led to a citation that is lacking that information.  I purposely did that to show that if information is left out, the results may not be perfect.  Although the in-text citation information is correct here, the reference page information is missing the publisher and location.  Be sure to double-check that all appropriate information is input or the output may not be correct.

    If you do not have the ISBN, you can enter the information you do have.  Note that on the left side of the screen, the site gives you choices of books, articles, journals, blogs and more.  Click on the appropriate source and enter the information that you have.

    Although this system is not fool-proof, it can be a helpful instrument in guiding students regarding APA or MLA citation and reference formatting.

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  • drdianehamilton 5:37 pm on July 15, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Authority Figures, Charlie Day, , , Experiment, Experiments, Horrible Bosses, It's Not You It's Your Personality, Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, , Stanley Milgram, , ,   

    Milgram’s Experiment, Horrible Bosses and Dwight Shrute Co-Workers 

    The recently released movie, Horrible Bosses, is about three friends who have three . . . you guessed it, horrible bosses.  While it might be fun to watch Jennifer Aniston play a bad character, the movie brings up some interesting issues about authority figures and their power to affect people’s lives. 

    In the early 60s, a guy named Stanley Milgram did some research into the willingness of people to follow directions given by those in authority. The question Milgram contemplated was:  If you were asked to shock someone with 400 volts of electricity, would you do it just because someone in a white lab coat told you to do it as part of an experiment? You may think not, but you may be surprised. 

    What Milgram was looking for was how authority leads to obedience. Isn’t that kind of what happens to you at work? You’re at the mercy of your leader or manager. You do what they tell you to do, because they are your superior, and you figure you should listen. Part of what makes up your personality is the part that is willing to obey commands that may not necessarily make sense to you.

    There may be a few people you’d like to shock some sense into at work. We’d like to think we’d be the test subjects that wouldn’t have pushed the button to deliver the shock to the recipients. The thing was, though, although the people thought they were delivering a shock, they weren’t delivering any voltage at all. The people who were supposedly being shocked were actors who were just pretending to be shocked.

    The people Dr. Milgram used as the “shockers” in his experiments were only paid $4.50, and were found through advertisements placed in newspapers. The reason Dr. Milgram wanted to do these experiments in the first place was what he’d seen the people in Germany doing in response to Hitler’s leadership. He was interested in answering a question that had haunted him from childhood: “What psychological mechanism transformed the average, and presumably normal, citizens of Germany and its allies into people who would carry out or tolerate unimaginable acts of cruelty against their fellow citizens who were Jewish, resulting in the death of six million of them?”(Blass, 2004).

    His interest in this led him to conduct experiments into obedience, and he set up a simulated shock-generator box that had a label on it that read, “SHOCK GENERATOR , TYPE ZLB,


    VOLT S – 450 VOLT S” (Blass, 2004, p. 79). Initially, the “shocker” started giving a low voltage of what they believed was an actual shock, and they were then asked to gradually increase the voltage in response to suggestions from the experimenter, who would say things like:

    1. Please continue.

    2. The experiment requires that you continue.

    3. It is absolutely essential that you continue.

    4. You have no other choice, you must go on.

    The experiment was intended to show just how far the “shocker” would go, based on receiving commands from someone in authority. This was all part of an experiment done at Yale. Predictions on how many people would be willing to continue to shock at high voltage levels were low … about 3%. In actuality, however, 65% were willing to give them the juice at the maximum level. Only 1% of the participants in the experiment, after having learned that it had been fake, were sorry they had participated.

    Milgram had the following to say about the results: “Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority” (Milgram, 1974). Milgram went out of his way to ensure that this simulation looked real. He wanted those doing the shocking to believe they had actually caused the person receiving the voltage pain. Those receiving the fake jolts would emit pitiful screams, begging the person to stop shocking them.

    “The obedience experiments presented a disturbing view of human behavior. Milgram, his colleagues, and later the public were surprised by the sheer power of an authority to compel someone to hurt an innocent person, despite the absence of any coercive means to back up his commands” (Blass, 2004, p. 93).

    What does this say about our personalities? Think about Dwight Shrute on the TV show The Office? Isn’t he willing to do just about anything that Michael tells him to do to please his boss or, in other words, a person of authority? We’ve all worked alongside the Dwights of the world. Is it Michael who is to blame for how Dwight acts because he takes advantage of his willingness to please? Possibly. How do you keep from turning into Dwight? How are you supposed to question your boss? In hard economic times such as we have experienced recently, many people find it difficult to turn down any request at work. Fear of losing one’s job is a big factor in what we will allow. Unfortunately, many may not feel as if they have a choice, and will comply with demands.

    Is it OK to never question authority? There comes a point when employees feel psychologically abused, whether they recognize it or not. When someone is constantly a target of abuse of authority, they may not realize what’s happening right away. One instance of someone in authority making a negative comment may go unnoticed, however, should the comments continue, that can constitute an abuse of authority. This abuse can lead to poor work performance as the employee’s self-esteem drops.

    This excerpt is from the book It’s Not You It’s Your Personality . . . Click here to read the rest of the book.

  • drdianehamilton 3:28 pm on February 20, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Communicating Emotions at Work, Communication, , , , , , It's Not You It's Your Personality, Lesley Wright, , Vince Waldron   

    Controlling Emotions at Work: Part of Core Employment Skills? 

    Lesley Wright’s recent article in the Arizona Republic offered some insight into a new book by author and ASU professor Vincent Waldron.  Waldron’s book, titled, “Communicating Emotion at Work”, due later this year, will include information from his 20 years of studying emotions in the workplace. 

    In the book, “It’s Not You It’s Your Personality” similar topics are covered in chapters about emotional intelligence and concern for impact.  Concern for impact may be defined as how much we care about how others perceive us.  In the Arizona Republic article, “Waldron argues that emotional communication should be a core employment skill.”  Emotions are a buzz word in the workplace since Daniel Goleman helped increase the popularity of emotional intelligence with his book about why emotional intelligence could matter more than IQ. Books about emotions in the workplace can be a very effective tool to help explain why people act the way they do.  This can be very important, especially in a team setting.  As more companies are creating teams, understanding one’s fellow employees and their emotions can be critical to the success of a team and their projects. 

    Some of the things that Waldron pointed out in his interview with Wright tied into having concern for impact which can be an important part of one’s success in the workplace. Waldron claims, “The theme of this book is that emotions, both positive and negative, have in a sense evolved to serve a purpose. Emotional communication is a tool for making our organizations and our lives richer, more moral, more humane and potentially building better workplaces. Sometimes that means regulating and suppressing emotions. So we need to be competent at understanding the emotions and learning to regulate them. I’m sort of arguing for a heightened awareness of how emotion makes us good. I don’t think there is any competitive disadvantage to being emotionally competent.”

  • drdianehamilton 2:38 pm on December 16, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , ENTJ, ENTP, ESFJ, ESFP, , ESTP, , , , , , ISTP, It's Not You It's Your Personality, , Jung Test, , , , ,   

    Jobs and Education Preferences Based on Your Myers-Briggs MBTI Type 

    In a recent classroom discussion I had with some technology students, we debated whether online students were more likely to be introverts or extroverts.  In this particular school, most of my students are introverts.  This isn’t surprising as they are studying technology which can draw the attention of the introvert.

    I have seen statistics that show that there are more extroverts in the world.  Some reports show that as many as 60-70% of people are extroverts.  I believe that is an inaccurately high reporting.  In my training to become MBTI-qualified, the numbers were closer to 50/50 split with slightly more women being extroverted than men.

    CAPT.org, a very reputable site for personality assessment information, listed the following statistics for MBTI percentages:

    Estimated Frequencies
    of the Types in the United States Population

    image via capt.org

    I personally see more introverts in the online classroom, but I have also seen that this is changing as more people are taking online courses. There is no denying the popularity of online learning.  Campustechnology.com reported “Nearly 12 million post-secondary students in the United States take some or all of their classes online right now. But this will skyrocket to more than 22 million in the next five years.”

    The online environment can be attractive to the introvert because they are not put on the spot to answer questions quickly.  Introverts prefer to think about what they want to say before they answer.  The online environment gives the introvert some time to think.  This environment may also be appealing to the extrovert who tends to think as they speak.  Extroverts may blurt out something that they may not have really have meant to say.  In the online environment, they have the ability to hit the backspace key before they actually hit the send button. 

    If you haven’t had a chance to take the Myers-Briggs MBTI, it can be a very helpful tool to help you decide on a degree program that fits your personality type.  It can also help you with your job search.  In our book, It’s Not You It’s Your Personality, Toni Rothpletz and I included the following chart to show the jobs that may be a good match based on your type. 

    If you cannot afford to take the Myers-Briggs MBTI, you can take a free not as valid version to give you an idea of your possible type.  To take the free assessment, click here


    • Kel 2:59 am on March 9, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      do you really believe that their are more thinking than feeling females? Alot of it breaks down by race/ culture, but I would estimate general “America” like this:

      60%-40% E
      60%-40% S
      55%-45% F
      50%-50% J

      • drdianehamilton 1:56 pm on March 9, 2011 Permalink | Reply


        I understand what you are saying. It isn’t my belief though . . . these are stats from CAPT.org. CAPT is a non-profit organization co-founded in 1975 by Dr. Mary McCaulley and Isabel Briggs Myers, the author of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instrument. This is a reputable site for obtaining information so I would imagine that the information is pretty accurate. I personally came out with a zero in the F measurement . . .I am all T. So I guess there are some of us out there. The “F” is about making your decisions based on values. I think that there probably are a lot of men that make their decisions that way. I hope this helps.

  • drdianehamilton 4:57 pm on December 9, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Christmas Gifts, Digital Camera, , , , , Gift Cards for Christmas, GPS, , It's Not You It's Your Personality, J C Penney, , , , , , Wii, XBox   

    Top 10 Gifts to Buy Millennials and Post-Baby Boomers for Christmas 

    The term Millennial is sometimes used very broadly to include any group since the Baby Boomer generation. I personally have resorted to using the term NewGens to refer to all of the post-Boomer generations.  NewGens can be a challenging group to please at Christmas time. 

    This group is used to technology and may expect instant gratification. In fact, anything based around technology or social media is hot!  Companies are doing some unique things to target this unique market.  Check out some interesting marketing being used by Coke, Gap, American Eagle and J C Penney by clicking here.  

    If you are having difficulty finding that perfect gift for that Gen X, Gen Y, Millennial, or (most easily stated) NewGen, consider the following:

    1. iTouch or iPad or just about anything Apple including Itunes gift cards
    2. Wii or XBox is still popular
    3. Clothing or Clothing Accessories
    4. Video Games
    5. It’s Not You It’s Your Personality – Books like this are always popular
    6. Gift Cards – Their popularity is expected to be high again this year – You can personalize them to make the more fun
    7. Digital Camera – video cameras are hot for making Youtube videos
    8. GPS
    9. DVD Gift Pack
    10. Traditional games like Pictionary or MadGab

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  • drdianehamilton 12:01 am on December 9, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Color Personality Test, , , , , Enneagram, , It's Not You It's Your Personality, , , , , , , , , , Strengths Finder, Strong Interest Inventory, ,   

    What is Your Favorite Celebrity’s Personality Type? See How Your Personality Compares to Theirs 

    Have you ever wondered if you shared a personality type with a famous celebrity?  While it is very important to learn about our own personalities, it can also be very helpful to learn about other people’s personalities as well.  By looking at famous celebrities and their personality types, it can help us recognize qualities that we may possess that can be helpful or hurtful to our own success. 

    People are often described as being introverts or extroverts.  How can you tell which one you are?  One way is to answer the following question:  Do you find that you often speak before you have had a chance to really think about what it is you want to say?  If so, you may be an extrovert.  Extroverts are often thought of as outgoing because they can be talkative. They can be talkative because they are processing what they are thinking out loud. You might think that Hollywood celebrities must be extroverts.  That is not necessarily true. 

    Think about how you prefer to process information.  If you think as you are speaking rather than taking time to process the information, you might be an extrovert.  If you are an extrovert, here are some famous people that share your personality type:

    • Matthew Perry
    • Tom Hanks
    • Oprah
    • Johnny Depp
    • Robin Williams
    • Bill Cosby
    • Jim Carrey
    • Jerry Seinfeld
    • Bruce Willis
    • Madonna

    There are actually more extroverts in the world than introverts.  Introverts like to take their time to develop their thoughts before they speak.  If you prefer to process information this way, you may be an introvert.  There are far more introverts in Hollywood than you might expect.  If you are an introvert, here are some famous people that share your personality type:

    • Michael Jackson
    • Marilyn Monroe
    • Britney Spears
    • Brooke Shields
    • Ashton Kutcher
    • Julia Roberts
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger
    • Lady Gaga
    • Tom Cruise 

    There are a lot of different personality tests out there that give information about personality preferences.  The previous examples of introverts and extroverts are a part of what the Myers-Briggs MBTI personality test can explain about our personalities. 

    There are plenty of other assessments that can give insight to who you are.  A lot has been written about birth order, and how it affects personality.  Are you a first-born child?  Then you may be interested in learning that the following celebrities are also first-borns:

    • Jessica Simpson
    • Nick Lachey
    • Josh Hartnett
    • Sylvester Stallone

    If you are a middle child, you share that in common with the following celebrities:

    • Elijah Wood
    • Bill Gates
    • Jay Leno
    • Princess Diana

    If you are the youngest, you may be interested in seeing which celebrities were last-born children:

    • Halle Berry
    • Cameron Diaz
    • Rosie O’Donnell
    • Whoopi Goldberg

    If you are an only child, you may relate to these celebrities:

    • Freddie Prinze, Jr.
    • Alicia Keys
    • Tiger Woods
    • Natalie Portman

    To find out more about how to analyze your own personality as well as those in others, check out the book: It’s Not You It’s Your Personality.  Millennials and post-boomer groups should be able to relate to many of the examples in the book.  Some of the top personality assessments are explained, along with celebrity examples so that you can visualize the personality traits.  The following personality assessments are also discussed in the book:

    You might have noticed that emotional intelligence is covered in the book. Part of being emotionally intelligent is having the ability to understand your own emotions and personality as well as those in others.  The book, It’s Not You It’s Your Personality, includes a fun way to develop your personality skills.  You can also learn tolerance of others’ personalities, while being able to compare your own traits to some famous celebrities as well.

  • drdianehamilton 12:34 pm on December 8, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Color Tests, , , , , It's Not You It's Your Personality, , Milgram, , , , , , , , ,   

    Gaining the Competitive Edge in this Economy May be Based on How Well You Know Your Personality 

    In a fun, light-hearted manner, dynamic mother and daughter duo, Dr. Diane Hamilton and Toni Rothpletz, share with readers their insight on the importance of understanding personalities. People and their different personalities are what make the workplace fun. Using tried and true personality tests can put modern workers ahead of the game—and ultimately make them successful in their career endeavors. In their just-released book, It’s Not You It’s Your Personality: Skills to Survive and Thrive in the Modern Workplace, Hamilton and Rothpletz desire to not only have their book be informative, but have readers laugh along the way.

    Now Available on Amazon

    Quote startThe latest book by Diane Hamilton and Toni Rothpletz helps you become more aware of yourself and puts YOU in charge of your life. ~Mark R. Grandstaff, PhD Award-Winning Scholar, Clinton Appointee, CEO Renaissance ThinkersQuote end

    New York, NY (PRWEB) December 8, 2010

    What drives the economy? People. People are behind every transaction. Business leaders will be the first to say that the most costly thing in business is personnel turnover. Unemployment is at 9.7%. This has led to an unstable work environment filled with a diverse group of workers. No matter what age, it is necessary to understand the different personality types that workers possess. For post-Baby Boomer generations, it can be a challenge to educate them about personality assessment, while still maintaining their interest. The recently released book, It’s Not You It’s Your Personality: Skills to Survive and Thrive in the Modern Workplace, may have the solution.

    There is an undying stratification in how the “new generation” of workers relate to their older peers. Technology sets them apart. A feeling of entitlement is out there for many workers. Each experience in life creates the personality a worker brings to the table. Dr. Diane Hamilton and co-author daughter, Toni Rothpletz, argue that if Americans want to be successful, it’s time to look inside and find out what inherently makes them tick. The authors explain how to do this in their fun and sometimes irreverent look at the current workplace.

    It is essential for people to understand their own personality and to realize the impact their interactions may have on others. This is becoming increasingly more important as business owners and managers look to keep harmony among workers. Morale is important and if there is friction among personalities, managers are forced to make some tough decisions.

    “Toni and I believe that it is the worker’s responsibility to know their own personality and how their responses may be judged by others,” says Hamilton, “If anything, this economy has shown us that it is essential that we take ownership of our roles in the workplace. We wrote this book to help the modern worker learn some important personality skills while still having fun in the process.”

    Personality tests can be an informative tool. Myers-Briggs, DISC, The Big Five, Birth Order, Color Tests, Emotional Intelligence and other top personality tests are used by employers to assess potential and current employees. Hamilton and Rothpletz argue that it gives workers a leg up to have these powerful self-learning mechanisms. There are so many personality assessments, it can get confusing to know which one to research. It’s Not You, It’s Your Personality explains the top assessments and shows readers that learning about themselves and their coworkers can be a lot of fun.

    Mother/daughter team of Hamilton and Rothpletz, set out to edutain (educate and entertain) their post-Baby Boomer working world audience. If someone has ever wondered how their personality compared to famous celebrities like Lady Gaga or Johnny Depp, they may get some answers. However, one of the most valuable things they will learn from this book is why these personality tests are so important to their success and future ability to get ahead in the working world.

    About the Authors:
    Diane Hamilton currently teaches bachelor-, master-, and doctoral-level courses for six online universities. Along with her teaching experience, she has a Doctorate Degree in Business Management and more than twenty-five years of business and management-related experience. She is a qualified Myers-Briggs instructor as well as a certified Emotional Intelligence trainer.

    Toni Rothpletz has a Bachelor Degree in Global Business Marketing and is currently working on receiving her MBA. She currently works as a business developer/sales executive in the computer industry. Her background includes working in several industries including computer software, identity theft, and social networking organizations.

    To find out more about their writing or to schedule an interview, visit Dr. Hamilton’s website at http://drdianehamilton.com or her blog at https://drdianehamilton.wordpress.com/.

    Review copies are available.

    It’s Not You It’s Your Personality–December, 2010 ($19.95/Amazon). ISBN: 9780982742839 Approximately 220 pages

    1. # #
  • drdianehamilton 9:51 pm on December 6, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , It's Not You It's Your Personality, ,   


    New York, NY 12/06/2010 06:45 PM GMT (TransWorldNews)

    Finding a job that encompasses what you love, and embarking on personality strengths, is the ultimate goal in Dr. Diane Hamilton’s newest book, REINVENT YOUR CAREER: MAKE MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE.  Industry changes, job loss and work dissatisfaction have forced people to reinvent their careers. In this guide to making more money doing what you love, readers find today’s tools for a successful career transition.

    In many cases, new employment seekers are unhappy with their current position.  They may desire a better job, but are unsure where to look for new opportunities. Each person can facilitate their career search through career analysis to take advantage of their job preferences and land their dream job. Dr. Hamilton urges readers to utilize information obtained from personality tests like Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and DISC to reinvent their careers.  These tests help readers identify their personality preferences.  This information used in conjunction with the insight given in Dr. Hamilton’s book can help people take the first step in reinventing their career’s direction. 

    Dr. Hamilton explains how to use a personal SWOT analysis to revamp a resume, make improvements and focus on career options. These are effective tools for new career seekers, to manage when searching jobs that may be a good fit for their personality preferences.  REINVENT YOUR CAREER: MAKE MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE gives instruction in practical ways to facilitate change.  There is an excellent chapter dedicated to facing fears that explains techniques, like challenging a person’s comfort zone, to face a looming career change.  Dr. Hamilton not only provides instruction, but also provides examples of how to apply it to the everyday experience.

    Dr. Hamilton used her personality preferences to seek the career of her dreams. Dr. Hamilton remained in the same company for 20 years until she found the power to leave and reinvent her career.   She now does what she loves as an author, guest speaker and professor.  Admittedly loving  administrative work, Dr. Hamilton took what she truly enjoyed and applied that to obtaining her dream job.  REINVENT YOUR CAREER: MAKE MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE includes resources for education, links to professional and social networking sites, and explains how to overcome the fears of career change.  Finding out what you love and what your personality is geared toward can revive your job search and improve the odds of landing that dream career!


    Dr. Diane Hamilton has a doctorate in business management.  She currently teaches bachelor-, master-, and doctoral-level courses for six online universities.  She has written several books including The Online Student’s User Manual: Everything You Need to Know to be a Successful Online College Student, It’s Not You It’s Your Personality:  Surviving and Thriving in the Modern Workplace and her latest HOW TO REINVENT YOUR CAREER: MAKE MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE.  To find out more about her writing, visit her website http://www.drdianehamilton.com/ or blog https://drdianehamilton.wordpress.com/

    PR Contact:

    Rebecca Crowley, RTC Publicity
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    • Jessica Connor 7:05 am on December 24, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      SWOT analysis is so critically important yet so many people do not do it. As it has been said, “Know thyself first”

  • drdianehamilton 2:17 pm on November 20, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , , It's Not You It's Your Personality, , , , , , , , ,   

    How to Ace the Job Interview by Understanding Introverts and Extroverts 

    For those of you who have taken a Myers-Briggs MBTI personality assessment, you may already know if you are an introvert or extrovert.  It gets confusing to some as many say extrovert.  Myers-Briggs uses the term extravert.  What is important is that you understand the differences between how introverts and extroverts/extraverts prefer to process information.  Why is this important to acing the job inteview?  Watch the video below for more answers.

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